E.mail: jis@cs.uns.edu.ar

Phone: 54 291 4595135

Departamento de Ciencias e Ingenieria de la Computación (DCIC)
Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS)
Av. Alem 1253 - (8000) Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina

I'm José Ignacio Schneider and I research in Computer Graphics. I'm a member of the Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo en Visualización y Computación Gráfica (VyGLab) and I'm currently working on my Magister Thesis.


Also, I work as a teaching assistant in Computer Graphics for the Departamento de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación (DCIC) at Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS).


But above all I’m an enthusiast in 3D graphics. I like them both, the artistic and programming world.


I work mainly with:

  • Languages: C# And I also work with C++.
  • Shader: HLSL, Cg FX, and FX Composer
  • 3D Software: Softimage XSI. And in a minor scale: Maya, Z-Brush
  • 3D APIs: XNA, DirectX. Also, because of my work as a teaching assistant, I'm in constant contact with OpenGL.


In a personal note, I can say I love all kind of visual art, especially games, my most notorious hobby.


Ok, this is me. If you want to know more about me or you need to communicate with me, feel free to do it.